Dear Tanya,
Please can you advise how I can get rid of this grass that is taking over my garden. Preferably without killing everything that is planted there. I think the grass came from a bird feeder, but I’m not sure. As soon as I weed it out, it grows back.
Thanks, Bridget Hendry

Hi Bridget,
There are two ways to look at this new arrival, one is to remove before it flowers or goes to seed or use a non-selective herbicide. With the herbicide, you need to be very cautious with it, as it will kill anything that it touches. Another option is to just let it be. I think the grass is beautiful and graceful and it most certainly is going to be a magnet for birds. Maybe just remove those that are choking other plants.
My advice would be to use a pressure sprayer with a ‘cone’ attached with some tape to the lance. Make one using any plastic cool drink bottle by cutting the base off and then attaching the opening to the lance of the sprayer. This way you simply place the plastic bottle over the grass and apply the herbicide and not spray anything else.
Happy gardening, Tanya
Please help me save my roses. We moved from Pretoria a year ago, packed almost half of our garden and replanted them here on the West Coast. I thought I could have my tropical paradise here. Big mistake. I still want to try and save my roses, they all survived the move and within 4 months of re-planting they gave us the most beautiful flowers. The heat and the drought is however putting a lot of strain on the bushes at this moment and my question is now how to help them to survive as I do not want to use a lot of water due to regulations and saving the planet.
Kind Regards, Jorina Buys
Hi Jorina,
Saving your roses is going to require water, unfortunately the most precious resource. Do try the following to help reduce the amount of water they need. Place a thick mulch of peach pips, bark or compost around each plant. This will help conserve the water that evaporates.
You can also dig a hole and place an upside down 2 litre plastic bottle, with the end cut off close to the rose but not too close to the stem. Keep the cut section just above ground level and use this to water each rose straight to the roots.
Finally, all plants need nutrition, to become stronger and more resilient to stress. Feed your plants with KynoShrub Flower and Fruit once ever 4 -6 weeks to give them this boost!
All the best, Tanya

Can you please give us some advice regarding our lemon tree. Please see the attached photo. We hope you can assist as we are getting very near to giving up with it.
Kind regards Susan and Peter

Dear Susan and Peter,
The problem you now have is that this is not the original lemon that is now shooting from the stump. This is what we call the root stock. It will most certainly give you lemons in time but they will not be the smooth skin lemons you originally wanted. All lemons are grafted onto a rough skin lemon root stock. The leaf curling is a sign of stress. Increase the watering – a good soaking twice a week – and this little guy needs food. Feed every 4 weeks with Kyno Shrub Flower and Fruit. You will see a remarkable difference.
All the best, Tanya